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Zesty Citrus Tea
A trio of citrusy tastes, mandarin, grapefruit and lemon, all freshly squeezed and combined with Pure Leaf Lemon Tea for a zesty and satisfying elixir.
- Ice As needed
- Freshly squeezed mandarin or clementine juice 3/4 oz
- Freshly squeezed grapefruit juice 1/2 oz
- Fresh lemon juice Squeeze
- Lemon wheel Garnish
- Pure Leaf Lemon Tea 4-5 oz

1. Fill tall glass with ice.
2. Add mandarin or clementine juice, grapefruite juice, fresh lemon juice, and Pure Leaf Lemon Tea.
3. Stir and garnish with lemon wheel.
4. Serve and enjoy!
There’s no way to spin this. We’re sorry for taking so long!