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Fresh mint adds mojito magic to citrusy Mtn Dew along with white rum, simple syrup, and lime.
- Fresh Mint Leaves 6-8
- Lime Wedges 4
- Simple Syrup ½ oz.
- White Rum 1 ½ oz.
- Mtn Dew 3-4 oz.
- Mint sprig garnish
- Slice of lime garnish
- Ice As needed
![DEW-jito decoration image](/medias/PepsiCo-Partners-Recipe-InPage-DewJito-669x446.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfHJvb3R8MTMxNDUxfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdVeUwyaGhNaTh4TURReE56RTRNamd6TkRjeE9DOVFaWEJ6YVVOdkxWQmhjblJ1WlhKekxWSmxZMmx3WlMxSmJsQmhaMlV0UkdWM1NtbDBieTAyTmpsNE5EUTJMbXB3Wnd8NzU0YWZhNjlmZGI5MDNlYTU4ZDIwMGE0ZTcwMzk5N2NiZDg5Yzc0OTg1NTE5ZTk0YzcwZWM2MzEwYzk4MjJmYw)
1. Muddle mint and lime wedges in the bottom of serving glass
2. Add ice
3. Pour in all ingredients & stir
4. Serve & enjoy
There’s no way to spin this. We’re sorry for taking so long!