pep+ Pepsico Positive: Partners for Tomorrow

pep+ Pepsico Positive: Partners for Tomorrow

We are committed to an end-to-end value chain transformation

And while we are accelerating our PepsiCo Positive strategy, embedding sustainability throughout our entire value chain, we know that our success is only possible if our partnerships with you are successful: We can only do this together. Partner with us on the key areas below as we continue on our sustainability journeys together.

Learn more about Partners for Tomorrow 

Sustainability is at the heart of our partnership

Together with our partners, we hope to build a better tomorrow. We are eager to increase knowledge and access to renewable energy, recycling, reusable packaging, and more.

  • Agriculture

    Regenerative farming builds soil health, reduces carbon emissions, increases biodiversity, and more.

  • Learning

    Learning is critical for widespread adoption of sustainable practices. When we learn together, we grow together.

  • Energy

    Converting to renewable energy sources reduces fossil fuel emissions and helps us to breathe cleaner air.

  • Packaging

    Sustainable packaging is created with the least raw material possible and made to be multi-use.

  • Recycling

    Recycling conserves resources, reduces waste destined for landfills, incineration or litter.


Questions? Connect with our pep+ team to get started with Partners for Tomorrow today.

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pep+ Pepsico Positive: Partners for Tomorrow
pep+ Pepsico Positive: Partners for Tomorrow